the visionary

alberta saladino

Alberta Saladino is Neapolitan, she has the east in her eyes and a passion for interior design that smells of Mediterranean colors. She graduated in economics though her love for designled her to choose an eclectic life, traveling between historical eras reinterpreted through the languages and styles of the material.

Some places welcome and teach like old masters, they take your hand and take you away to distant lands; every corner of the Esprit Nouveau gallery is a whispered tale that fascinates and changes in chromatic gradations, from the yellow of tuff and the sun to the raw redness of earth and passion, with points of agate and cobalt that breathe between the veins of ebony.

Syria, France, Italy, and Naples: are just a few routes that lead to the ancient Palazzo Calabritto. Inside, there’s a landing place.

The visionary exhibition space of interior designerAlberta Saladino combines the talent for research with reinvention as an iconic syncretism of the object.

for reasoned interiors for reasoned interiors


Telling our story...

I have been collaborating with Alberta since 2009! She is a friend and the reference interior designer for my company and me. What has always impressed me is her ability to understand and interpret the needs of those with whom she relates, always managing to find solutions that meet expectations. Her ability to combine ancient and modern, antiques and design, tradition and innovation, characterize her work, making it very similar to Isaia's DNA.

Gianluca Isaia

Esprit Nouveau is magic... a space that knows neither geographical nor emotional boundaries. You can be transported all over the world by wonderful and unique fabrics, and you can get excited in front of art objects expertly found by Alberta Saladino whose taste, culture, and sensitivity for art and colors have the gift of "guiding you and making you happy" on everything!!! Her greatest skill? Bring Naples to the world and the world to Naples. Well done Alberta!

Selvaggia Sanseverino di Marcellinara

Alberta Saladino and her Esprit Nouveau art gallery represent the quality and originality that is entirely Neapolitan exported to the world. Through constant, continuous, and accurate research, Alberta always manages to satisfy your needs in the best possible way, from the choice of valuable fabric to wonderful design pieces which make your space unique and inimitable. Being advised by her is the certainty of quality, class, beauty, and innovation. In short, what to say, simply the top.

Annalisa Chirico

In a new partnership of the Esprit Nouveau in Naples with Debora Damasco Mazzarella, architect and entrepreneur of DM Hotel Inc, to develop the project Dama in Punta Cana, a spectacular new hotel where the simplicity of the interior design and the line of modernist architecture come together in a concept of comfort and relaxed fun. Damasco & Esprit Nouveau had already worked on a fantastic tropical and minimal luxury proposal for the "Villa Partenope" in Cap Cana and prestigious apartments in Naples.

Debora Damasco Mazzarella